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Leadership Services

The Energy Bus



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"The Energy Bus" by Jon Gordon has been adapted for both businesses and schools to foster positive energy, teamwork, and success.

Living As A Leader offers The Energy Bus workshop for businesses and schools, as a standalone workshop or as an add-on to our signature Leadership Development Series.

Here's a breakdown of its application and benefits:

Energy Bus for Businesses

1. Positive Workplace Culture: The program fosters a positive and collaborative workplace culture, which can lead to increased employee satisfaction and retention.

2. Enhanced Teamwork: Emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration, helping teams work more effectively together.

3. Increased Productivity: Positive energy and a supportive environment can lead to higher levels of productivity and creativity among employees.

4. Leadership Development: Helps leaders at all levels develop a positive mindset and effective leadership skills, which can drive the organization's success.

5. Employee Engagement: Engages employees by encouraging them to take ownership of their work and contribute positively to the organization's goals.

6. Resilience and Adaptability: Encourages a positive attitude towards challenges and changes, fostering resilience and adaptability in the workforce.

Energy Bus for Schools

1. Positive School Culture: The program helps create a positive environment where students and staff are encouraged to bring positive energy and attitudes.

2. Improved Student Behavior: By promoting principles such as accountability, enthusiasm, and collaboration, the program can lead to better student behavior and discipline.

3. Enhanced Learning Environment: A positive and supportive environment can enhance the overall learning experience, making students more engaged and motivated.

4. Teacher Morale: Teachers benefit from a positive work environment, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced burnout.

5. Leadership Development: Encourages students to take on leadership roles and develop essential life skills such as resilience, responsibility, and teamwork.

Key Principles


You're the Driver of Your Bus: Take responsibility for your own life and actions.


Desire, Vision, and Focus: Set a clear vision and stay focused on your goals.


Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy: Maintain a positive attitude and avoid negativity.


Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision: Build a supportive team and communicate your vision.


Don't Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don't Get on Your Bus: Focus on those who support and share your vision.


No Energy Vampires Allowed: Stay away from negative influences.


Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers: Positivity and enthusiasm are contagious.


Love Your Passengers: Show appreciation and care for the people around you.


Drive with Purpose: Have a sense of purpose in everything you do.



Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride: Find joy and satisfaction in your journey.



By implementing these principles, both businesses and schools can create environments that promote positivity, teamwork, and overall success.

Please complete the interest form below if you are interested in having Living As A Leader deliver this positive and energetic workshop for your team.