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Choose Living As A Leader for Your Next Event

At Living As A Leader, we are invited to serve as speakers at a variety of types of events:

  • Quarterly or annual leadership team meetings
  • Association meetings
  • Annual conferences

Our intention every time is to deliver a message in a way that involves the audience. We’d love to be a part of your next event!

Leadership keynote speaking Topics

Take a look at the leadership topics that are currently among our most frequently requested.

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  The Seven Common Mistakes Leaders Make

Leadership is not easy. On a daily basis, leaders are challenged to maximize productivity and satisfaction among employees who have differing needs and preferences. Then, add to this the challenge of the emerging workforce who have proven to be less forgiving of outdated leadership practices.

Join us as we discuss The Seven Common Mistakes Leaders Make…mistakes that become costly because of their impact on productivity, employee satisfaction and, ultimately, retention of our emerging talent. Learn what has appealed to organizations all over the country and in virtually all industries as it pertains to the following seven mistakes:

  • Avoidance of key issues
  • Too much negative feedback
  • Absence of positive feedback
  • Disrespectful treatment
  • Imbalance of accountability and inspiration
  • Doing, not leading
  • Lack of humility

Do you see yourself in any of these? Would you like to overcome these mistakes? Be prepared to return to your workplace with tips and strategies to apply immediately.

  Communicate By Design: Choose Your Words to Address Difficult Conversations

Commonly, people struggle with communication in the workplace, especially addressing unmet expectations! Communicate By Design was developed to address this struggle. In this session, we will discuss the natural human tendencies to default to disrespectful communication under pressure. To help combat these tendencies, we will introduce tools to help you communicate more effectively, particularly under pressure:

  • Consider the other person’s current situation
  • Ask more than tell; share gratitude, choose words more intentionally
  • Be aware of what your own behavior looks like under pressure
  • Establish standards so you do not ‘misbehave’ under pressure
  • Follow a six-step process to work through a difficult conversation
  Create a Culture of Employee Engagement

Let’s take a look at why engagement matters.

  • Disengaged employees cost US companies more than $450 billion in productivity losses annually.
  • Recent research shows that only 31% of employees are engaged.
  • More than 66% of managers who are motivated and engaged showed increased levels of productivity.

Join us as we discuss employee engagement, including what it is and why it is important. Take advantage of the opportunity to assess your own individual level of engagement and explore a high-level look at six ways to foster engagement around you. Plan to leave with a few tips and strategies you can apply immediately.

  Groom Your Emerging Leaders More Quickly

The changing world of work will continue to press organizations to have systems in place to intentionally develop emerging talent. Join us as we review best practices to enhance your ability to grow your future leaders – a key strategy for attracting and retaining great employees.

You’ll learn:

  • Who are "emerging leaders" and why is it important to develop them intentionally?
  • Obstacles and common pitfalls that can prevent effective development of emerging leaders
  • Five learning strategies for grooming emerging leaders
  • A framework for drafting a development plan for a particular emerging leader in your organization
  Lead Upward

In your day-to-day job, do you ever find yourself asking the following?

  • How can I be more effective at giving my boss candid, respectful feedback?
  • How can I get more time with my boss?
  • I'd like to share some observations—how can I have that conversation?
  • I need information from busy senior-level leaders. How can I ask for what I need?

In all of these cases, the real question is: How can I lead upward? Sometimes it’s called “managing up.” What exactly is “leading upward?” Leading upward is influencing your boss (or another person of power) to get a mutually beneficial result.

It’s not always “the boss” with whom we have trouble leading upward. It could be anyone in the organization whom you perceive as having more authority or power than you do. It could even be people outside the organization—high-ranking customers or vendor contacts, for example.

Join us as we discuss the problem of power, six strategies to “lead upward,” and a five-step process for a “lead upward” conversation. 

  Be A Great Coach

Be a Great Coach enhances a leader’s understanding of what coaching is and helps leaders overcome common misconceptions and limitations about their role as a coach.
Join us as we discuss a six-step process that serves as a framework for coaching. A key area of focus in this workshop is how to Coach for Growth.
Upon completion, participations will:

  • Explore coaching as a highly effective style of communication.
  • Understand how and why coaching works.
  • Examine two different types of coaching.
  • Practice a six-step process and key skills to coach others effectively.

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Leadership Services

We provide all leaders at all levels with the tools, skills and strategies necessary to effectively lead their employees and the business to greater success.


Leadership Development Series

Public Leadership
Development Series

This series uses a comprehensive, steady-progress-over-time approach to equip leaders with depth and breadth of skill and knowledge.

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Leadership Development Series

Public Emerging Leader Series

Support the development of your pre-leadership, high performing employees with six core workshops, accompanied by small group coaching and training reinforcement tools.

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Leadership Development Series

In-House Leadership
Development Series

This Series equips all leaders at all levels with a common language, skill and approach to effective leadership.

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Executive Team Development

Leadership Team Development

Achieve overall executive team alignment and effectiveness through this service designed to support a leadership team over the course of 12 to 18 months.

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