The numbers show that employees want change. Data from the federal government shows that people are quitting their jobs at a record rate, with each month shattering the previous high. There’s no end in sight.
Our global pandemic has driven home the point that life is too short to work for a boss who acts like a jerk, an organization that doesn’t share your values or a place where you’re not constantly learning and growing in your role.
For an organization, the cost of this turnover is both financial and intangible, causing everything from businesses shortening their hours open to the public to offering big signing bonuses for new hires.
The workplace reckoning will hopefully shed light on the best practices to make employees feel welcomed, valued and ready to perform their best. Here are ways to stay ahead and attract and retain the best talent.
Practice Kindness
Kindness is a leadership trait, now more than ever. Leaders should understand just how much others have going on in their lives, often below the surface of what’s communicated. Successful leaders understand that being kind and engaging will encourage employees and help prevent burnout. It is also one of the least expensive, least time consuming and simplest ways to make a positive impact as a leader.
Listen Openly
One new leader we worked with started scheduling one-on-one meetings with his team for the first time, a departure for a company that didn’t openly communicate. At first, the people walked into these meetings thinking they might be in trouble, but they quickly realized this leader was there to help. As a leader, make it readily apparent that you are there to listen, not just lecture. “I heard things like, ‘Thank you for taking the time because no one is listening to me,’” this leader told us about these meetings.
Be a Patient Coach
In our Be a Great Coach workshop, we start with a reflection of thinking about your best coach ever. A good coach knows that you aren’t going to learn it all in one day, so they don’t rush to see results immediately. Instead, coaches focus on developing fundamentals. It takes time and patience. Good coaching helps people move forward productively, just as your best coaches helped do for you.
There are a lot of factors at play driving what people are calling The Great Resignation, or more optimistically The Great Reshuffle. It all comes down to how leaders interact with their people.
At Living as a Leader, we’ve been preaching that organizations will thrive if they learn how to value their workforce. Now we’re seeing that play out everywhere. And for true leaders, it’s their time to shine.